Toan Mai - Copywriter 

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The Hells Angels Motorcycle Club is globally known as a gang with the least tender characters from all over the world. They’re quite known in Europe as well.

But MILKA, a well-know chocolate brand standing for empathy, knows everyone is born tender no matter how they look like or what they drive.

So, yes, Milka will partner with them,
to prove we all have a tender side.

We’ll launch a never-before-seen documentary about their tender side, and we’ll make them deliver tenderness wherever they go, giving away Milka chocolates throughout Europe.


Agency: DAVID Madrid. 
Global CCO & Partner: 
Pancho Cassis.
ECD: Saulo Rocha, André Toledo.
Álvaro Palma, Fred Bosch.
 Toàn Trần Bảo Mai.

Art Director: Nacho Gonzalez Sbiglio.
Photography: Tim Collins, Bill Ray.